PhD Students
Jia-Wei Liang, PhD candidate, Computer Science, UC Davis (B.S. in Quantitative Finance, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; M.S. in Applied Analytics, Columbia University). joined CSC Lab since Sep 2022.
Meredith Young-Ng, PhD student, Computer Science, UC Davis (B.S. in Computer Science, Cornell University; M.S. in Computer Science, Brown University), joined CSC Lab since Feb 2023.
Rong-Ching Chang, PhD Student, Computer Science, UC Davis (M.S. in Computer Science, Tunghai University, Taiwan), joined CSC Lab since Spring 2024.
Manami Nakagawa, PhD student, Computer Science, UC Davis (B.S. in Computer Science, University of Bristol, UK), incoming PhD student to join CSC Lab in Sep 2024.
MS Students
Ting-Chun Claire Chen, MS student, Electrical & Computer Engineering, UC Davis (B.S. in Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan). joined CSC Lab since Oct 2023.
Yi-Qing Elliot Lin, MS student, Computer Science, UC Davis (B.S. in Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan), joined CSC Lab since Dec 2023.
Undergraduate Interns
Yi-Hsuan Chiang, Computer Science major, UC Davis, joined CSC Lab for Summer 2024 intern
Yang Hong 洪揚, Communication & Technology major, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, joined CSC Lab for Summer 2024 intern
External PhD Student Collaborators
Kai-Hui Liang, PhD student, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University.
Postdoctoral Collaborators
Dr. Jingxian Liao, Data Scientist, American Express
Dr. Jingchao Fang, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Chicago
Dr. Qingxiaoyang Zhu, Google
Dr. Fei Xue, UI/UX Consultant and Visiting Researcher, Collaborative and Social Computing Lab, UC Davis.
PhD Advisors (Cornell University, 2008-2011)
Susan Fussell, Professor, Information Science, Cornell University
Dan Cosley, Associate Professor, Information Science, Cornell University. Now - Program Officer, National Science Foundation
Graduated PhD Advisees (UC Davis, 2018-)
Jingxian Liao, PhD, Computer Science, UC Davis (Master in Statistics and Computer Science, UC Davis), affiliated with CSC Lab Sep 2018 - Mar 2024. (PhD degree conferred in March 2024). Current affiliation: Data Scientist, American Express
Jingchao Fang, PhD, Computer Science, UC Davis (B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Minnesota, USA), affiliated with CSC Lab Sep 2019 - July 2024 (PhD degree conferred in July 2024). Current affiliation: Postdoc Researcher, University of Chicago
Qingxiaoyang Zhu, PhD , Computer Science, UC Davis (M.S. in Informatik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany), affiliated with CSC Lab Sep 2020 - Dec 2024 (PhD degree conferred in Dec 2024) .Current affiliation: Google
Postdoctoral Advisee
Fuyin Cherng, Researcher, Computer Science, UC Davis, 2019-2020 (B.S, M.S., Ph.D. Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2009-2019; Doctoral Assistant, Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne, Swiss, 2016-2017). [Website:]
Lab Alumni (PhDs and Masters; NTHU, 2012-2018; UC Davis, 2018-)
Mina Rezaei, PhD candidate in Social Geography, UC Davis, June 2022 -
Angela Rodolico, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, joined CSC Lab since Dec 2020 -
Chelsea Kim, PhD candidate, Communication, UC Davis (B.A., in Communication, Northwestern University, USA) (serving as a dissertation committee member), 2019 - 2022. PhD dissertation defended. Apr 2022
Aakaash Kapoor, Master student t (w/ graduation project), Computer Science, UC Davis, Jan 2019 - (B.S. in Computer Science, UC Davis, USA)
Yinhao Jiang, Master student t (w/ graduation project), Computer Science, UC Davis, Sep 2018- (B. Eng. in Digital Media Technology, Zhejiang University, China)
Ty Feng, Master student (w/ graduation project), Computer Science, UC Davis, Nov 2023 - Apr 2024
Chi-Lan Yang 楊期蘭, PhD student, Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Feb 2016 -
(B.A., Psychology, National Cheng Kung University; M.S. student, Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Feb 2015 - Jan 2016, transferred to PhD program; Recipient of NTHU PhD Presidential Scholarship; Exchange: Tsinghua University, Beijing w/ Prof. Patrick Rau) (Co-advised with Prof. Chien Wen Yuan, Fu-Jen University & NTU IoX Center)
MS Thesis: Understanding the Effects of Knowledge Transparency in Online Knowledge TransferMei-Ling Chen 陳美伶
(B.S., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University; M.S., Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2015 - Aug 2018, transferred to PhD program; Intern: Academia Sinica w/ Dr. Tyng-Ruey Chuang; NTT Communication Science Labs w/ Dr. Naomi Yamashita) (Co-advised with Dr. Naomi Yamashita, NTT Communication Science Labs)
MS Thesis: Beyond Lingua Franca: System-Facilitated Language Switching Diversifies Participation in Multiparty Multilingual CommunicationChing Liu 劉淨
(B.S. student, Computer Science, NTHU; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2017 - Aug 2018 (5-year direct master dual-degree program); Exchange: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)) (Co-advised with Prof. Juho Kim, KAIST)
Thesis: ConceptScape: Collaborative Concept Mapping for Video LearningYu-Hsuan Liu 劉宇璇
(B.S., Computer Science, NTHU; M.S., Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2016- Aug 2018; Intern: Academia Sinica)
Thesis: Effects of Gender Composition on Collaborative Work in Online Teamwork: Creative Group Brainstorming as an ExampleSeraphina Yong 楊馥名, Master student, Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2017-
(B.S., Computer Science, University of Chicago, USA; Intern: Academia Sinica and NTHU CSC Lab; Co-advised with Prof. Yuan-Chi Tseng, Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University)Pei-Yun Tina Tu 杜佩芸
(B.S., Computer Science, NTHU; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2015-Jan 2018; Intern: Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University; Exchange: Pennsylvania State University) (Co-Advised with Prof. Chien Wen Yuan, Fu-Jen University & NTU IoX Center)
Thesis: Do You Think What I Think: Perceptions of Delayed Instant Messages in Computer-Mediated Communication of Romantic RelationsKo-Ren Chang 張可人, Master student, Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2016-
(B.S., Computer Science, NTHU; Intern: Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University) (Co-advised with Dr. Chung-Ching Huang, NTU INSIGHT Center)Rosiana Natalie, Master student, Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2016-
(B.S., Information Technology and System, Monash University, Malaysia) (Co-advised with Prof. Chien Wen Yuan, Fu-Jen University & NTU IoX Center)I-Heng Jerry Chan 詹易衡, Master student, Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2016-
(B.S., Computer Science, NTHU)Pei-Yi Hsu 徐佩宜
(B.S., Biomedical Engineering, NTHU; M.S., Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2016 - Jan 2018; Intern: NTU IoX Center) (Co-Advised with Dr. Chuang-Wen You, NTU IoX Center)
Thesis: Reducing the Risk of DUI Recidivism with Technology: Evaluating and Understanding how SoberMotion Supports DUI Offenders on Probation to Avoid Re-committing DUIsChing-Ying Sung 宋慶瑩
(B.S., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University; M.S., Multimedia Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Sep 2015 - Jun 2017; Co-Advised with Prof. Wen-Chieh Lin, NCTU)
Thesis: To Share or Not to Share: Studying the Influences of Social Sharing to Online LearningPornlada Ittipornpithak
(B.B.A., Management of Information Systems, Thammasat University; M.S., Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2015 - Aug 2017)
Thesis: Why Change: Toward Understanding Facebook Users' Profile Picture Changing and Management BehaviorKuan-Yu Lin 林冠宇
(B.S., Computer Science, NTHU; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2015 - Aug 2017; Intern: HTC Creative Labs)
Thesis: A Multidimensionally Codified Dataset of Speech-Accompanying Gesture in Cross-Lingual CommunicationYuan-Chia Chang 張元嘉
(B.S., Computer Science, NTHU; Exchange: RWTH Aachen University, Germany; M.S., Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2014-May 2017) (Co-advised with Prof. Hung-Kuo Chu, NTHU)
Thesis: A User Study of AlphaRead: Support Unambiguous Referencing in Remote Collaboration with Readable Object AnnotationYa-Fang Avon Lin 林雅芳
(B.B.A., International Business with minor in Computer Science, National Chengchi University; M.S., Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2014 - Mar 2017; Intern: Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center) (Co-Advised with Prof. Hao-Hua Chu, National Taiwan University)
Thesis: CopeDiary: Using Phone-based Support Application to Assist Patients in Recovering from Drug DependenceChen-Wei Huang 黃振瑋
(B.S., Computer Science, NTHU; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2014-Feb 2017)
Thesis: NBrain: Messaging with Behavioral and Social Signal for Cross-Lingual BrainstormingMei-Hua Pan 潘玫樺
(B.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, NTHU; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2014-July 2016; Intern: Academia Sinica; NTT Communication Science Labs) (Co-advised with Dr. Naomi Yamashita, NTT Communication Science Labs)
Thesis: Task Rebalancing: Improving Multilingual Communication with Native Speakers-Generated Highlights on Automated TranscriptsCheng-Hsien Han 韓政憲
(B.S., Computer Science, NTHU; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2014-July 2016; Intern: Academia Sinica)
Thesis: Evaluating the Effects of Interface Designs with Human-Generated Annotation Support for Second Language ReadingPo-Han Shih 施博翰
(B.S., Computer Science and Information Engineering, Fu-Jen Catholic University; M.S., Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2013-Mar 2016)
Thesis: Supporting Active Learning in Classroom with Computer-Mediated Micro ActivitiesPing-Jing Yang 楊平京
(B.S., Physics, Fudan University; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2013-Fall 2015; Intern: Microsoft Beijing)
Thesis: Click-Search: Supporting Information Search with Interactive Image-to-Keyword Query FormulationHan-Ting Chiang 姜翰廷
(B.S., Computer Science, NTHU; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2013-Fall 2015)
Thesis: The Analysis of Language Strategy of the Crowdsourcing Article on Unstructured Crowdsourcing PlatformShuo-Ping Wang 王碩平
(B.S., Power Mechanical Engineering, NTHU; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2013-Mar 2015; Intern: Microsoft Research Asia; Recipient of NTHU PhD Presidential Scholarship)
Thesis: KinChat: Augmenting Text Chat with De-Identified Feature-based Visualization of Facial ExpressionTau-Heng Yeo 姚道亨
(B.E., Hsiuping University of Science & Technology; M.S., Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2012-Mar 2015; Exchange: University of Washington)
Thesis: Evaluating the Effects of Interface Support for Stance Expression and Stance Display in Online Group DeliberationHsing-Lin Tsai 蔡幸霖
(B.S., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Central University; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2012-Jan 2015; Exchange: Cornell University; University of Tsukuba)
Thesis: Evaluating the Effects of Interactive Feedback in MT-embedded Interactive TranslationAi-Ju Huang 黃艾如 (In collaboration with Tina Yuan)
Thesis: Ten Thousands of People Respond but Here Comes Only One: Understanding the Gap between Online and Offline Participation for Event Invitations
Chien-Tung Jack Lai 賴建同
(B.S., Computer Science, National Taiwan Ocean University; M.S., Computer Science, NTHU, Sep 2012-Jun 2014)
Thesis: KinConferencing: Using Motion Sensing to Study and Visualize Gesture Use in Computer-Mediated Communication
Past Student Collaborators
Bipasha Sengupta, Computer Science major, UC Davis, joined CSC Lab for Summer 2024 intern
Carson Chang, Cognitive Science major, University of Georgia, joined CSC Lab for Summer 2024 intern
Mrinalini Singh, Undergraduate intern, Cognitive Science, UC Davis (2022 - Summer 2023)
Yi-Ting (Evelyn) Hung, Undergraduate intern, Computer Science, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (2022 - Summer 2023)
Nina Lei, Undergraduate intern, Computer Science & Statistics, Harvard University (Summer 2023)
Shaivya Padia, Computer Science major & Technology Management minor, UC Davis, joined CSC Lab for Summer 2021 intern
Zunaira Ahmad, Summer 2021, Computer Science major & Statistics minor, UC Davis, joined CSC Lab for Summer 2021 intern
Min Sung Kim, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, joined CSC Lab since June 2021 -
Jennifier Jeon, Cognitive Science & Design major , UC Davis (June 2020- )
Ikechi Iwuagwu, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, June 2020-
Yu-Hsuan Tseng, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, joined CSC Lab since May 2021
Zhouhao Wang, PhD student, Computer Science, Sep 2019- (M.Eng in System Innovation, University of Tokyo, Japan)
Xin Chen, Computer Science major, UC Davis (Fall 2019- Spring 2021)
Chi-Lan Yang, PhD student, Empowerment Informatics, University of Tsukuba, Japan (B.A., Psychology, National Cheng Kung University; M.S. Information Systems and Applications, National Tsing Hua University) [Website:]
Xuan Zhang, PhD student Computer Science, Sep 2020- (M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction, University of Maryland, USA)
Archit Garg, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, June 2020- (B. Tech in Computer Engineering, Delhi Technological University, India)
Kelly Yang, Business Administration, HCI & Design, Carnegie Mellon University (Summer 2020)
Araav Patel, Computer Science, UC Berkeley (Summer 2020)
Yanhao Wang, Computer Science major, Zhejiang University, China (Summer 2020 via UC Davis GREAT Global Research Program)
Nan Ma, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, Sep 2019- (B.A. in Physics, Minor in Mathematics, Occidental College, USA)
Suchita Mukherjee, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, Sep 2019- (B. Eng in Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur University, India)
Eldy Lazaro, Master student, Design, UC Davis, Sep 2018 - (B. Architecture and Urbanism. San Pedro University. Chimbote, Peru) (Co-Supervised with Prof. Katia Vega, Department of Design, UC Davis)
Shubhankar Gupta, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, Sep 2018- (B.Eng. in Computer Science and Engineering, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, India)
YIshan Hao, Undergraduate student, Psychology, UC Davis
Sandra Bae, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, Sep 2018- (Individual Major A.B., B.S. in Human-Computer Interaction, UC Davis)
Shivang Soni, Master student, Computer Science, UC Davis, Sep 2018- (B. Tec. in Computer Science, Amrita School of Engineering, India)
Jiayi Xu, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Computer Science (minor: Cognitive Science), UC Davis
Annie Lin, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Computer Science (minor: Psychology), UC Davis
Claudia Chen, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Computer Science and Design, UC Davis
Nandhini Gounder, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Computer Science and Design, UC Davis
Timothy Mekari, Undergraduate Research Assistant, Computer Science, UC Davis
I-Ju Lin 林奕汝, 5-year Direct Master student, Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Fall 2016 -
(B.S. student, Computer Science, NTHU; Exhange: University of Nex Mexico & University of Minnesota; Intern: NTO IoX Center)Po-Han Lee 李柏翰, Master student, Information Systems and Applications, NTHU, Sep 2016-
(B.S., Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University)Ching Su 蘇晴, PhD student, Computer Science, NTHU
Yi-Ching Janet Huang 黃怡靜 (Spring 2015 - Now), PhD student, Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University (Advisor: Prof. Yung-Jen Jane Hsu)
Tzu-Yang Wang 王子洋 (2015-2016), Undergrad student, Industrial Engineering, NTHU; Current affiliation: Graduate student, Department of Intelligent Interaction Technologies, University of Tsukuba, Japan (Advisor: Prof. Hideaki Kuzuoka)
Tien-Yu Ho 何天與 (Winter-Summer 2017), Master student, Information Systems and Applications, NTHU; Current affiliation: Yahoo Taiwan
Chiao-Yin Joey Hsiao 蕭喬尹 (Fall 2014 - Summer 2015), PhD student, School of Information, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Fu-Yin Cherng 程芙茵 (Spring 2014 - Summer 2015), PhD student, EDIC Computer and Communication Sciences, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Seraphina Yong (Summer 2015), Undergrad student, Computer Science, University of Chicago
Yi-Chieh Lee 李苡杰 (Spring - Summer 2014), PhD student, Computer Science, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Yu-Chun Yen 顏羽君 (Spring 2013), PhD student, Computer Science, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Ying-Yu Chen 陳盈羽 (Summer 2012), PhD student, Human-Centered Design and Engineering, University of Washington
Yutao Zhang 張宇韜 (Spring 2012), PhD student, Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing
Yvonne Chow 周海垚 (Sep 2015-Spring 2016 ), Master student, Information Systems and Applications, NTHU
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