I’m a faculty member of Computer Science, University of California, Davis. My broad research area is Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), with a focus on supporting collaboration and social interaction, including video-mediated communication, human-AI interactions, hybrid and remote work and wellbeing support. My intellectual type and research interest is both interdisciplinary (HCI, CSCW, Human-centered AI) and multidisciplinary (CS, Communication, Design, Learning Science).
My research, teaching and service have been mainly evolving around the human-computer interactions of technology-mediated, collaborative and inclusive participation, specifically in the context of distributed knowledge work. My work looks into the design of collaborative systems for video communication, online education, human-human and human-AI teams and caregiving. I take human-centered, mixed-method approaches to study how such systems can be shaped to address personal and societal needs, such as bridging cultural, language and perception gaps in remote and hybrid work, and improving expert-novice knowledge transfer for productivity, as well as for fairness and equity.
I was born in Taiwan, educated in Taiwan and the United States. Before joining UC Davis in 2018, I was a faculty member of Computer Science and Information Systems at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (NTHU), Taiwan. I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Information Science, Cornell University (2008-2011). Prior to studying at Cornell, I studied and/or interned at School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University (2006-2008), Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica (2004-2006), National Taiwan Normal University (2006), and National Chengchi University (2002-2004).
some past roles
Visiting Scholar, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica 台灣中央研究院, Taiwan, Jun - Jul 2024
Visiting Associate Professor, Computer Science, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan 國立陽明交通大學 and National Chengchi University, Taiwan 國立政治大學, Jun - Aug 2022
UC Visiting Professor @ UCEAP Osaka Office, Osaka University, Japan 大阪大学, 2019
Associate Professor (tenured), Computer Science, Information Systems and Applications, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 國立清華大學, 2017-2018; Assistant Professor, 2012-2017
VP-at-Large, Executive Committee, ACM SIGCHI, Feb - Dec 2023Steering Committee, ACM CSCW 2015-2018
Papers Chair, ACM CSCW 2022 (Jul 2021 - Jan 2023); General Chair, ACM CSCW 2022 @ Taipei, Taiwan (Apr 2019 - Jul 2021)
Subcommittee Chair (SC), Understanding People Subcommittee, ACM CHI 2017-2018; Associate Chairs (AC), CHI 2024, CHI 2022, DIS 2022; CHIs, CSCWs, Group, ICMI, IJCAI, ECSCW, GI etc.
Language Support and Inclusion Co-Chair, CHI’21, CHI'19, CHI'17
current roles
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate Program, University of California, Davis
Graduate Advisor, GGCS, UC Davis, 2023-Now
VP Finance (elected EC member), Executive Committee, ACM SIGCHI, 2024-2027
Co-Chair, Workshops, ACM CHI 2025
Editor, ACM CSCW 2025
Associate Editor, Journal of Information Science and Engineering (published by Academia Sinica), 2022-Now
HCW . CC 3.0 BY SA . 2013-2025